South Carolina Hospital Association



South Carolina Hospital Association is a private, not-for-profit organization made up of some 100 member hospitals and health systems and about 900 personal members associated with our institutional members. The South Carolina Hospital Association was created in 1921 to serve as the collective voice of the state’s hospital community. The Association is proud to be a part of the state’s hospital industry, adding value to efforts to care for the people of South Carolina. By helping to keep South Carolina’s hospitals healthy, we are helping to keep our state healthy.

SCHA’s mission is to support its member hospitals in creating a world-class health care delivery system for the people of South Carolina by fostering high quality patient care and serving as effective advocates for the hospital community.

South Carolina’s hospitals will be national leaders in improving the quality and safety of patient care, and SCHA will be a national leader in advocacy.

We are stronger together than apart.

TrueHealth Initiative

TrueHealth Initiative

We lead a global movement to make the fundamental truths about healthy, sustainable living and eating common knowledge.

We envision a world with less chronic disease, and we support individuals and communities in directing their resources toward that goal. Our global voice offers clarity and trust. It rises above the din of confusion and fake news in an era of post truth.

As the world’s trusted, authoritative voice on lifestyle as medicine, we demonstrate and disseminate the global consensus on the fundamental, evidence-based principles of lifestyle as medicine, we will change the global understanding of lifestyle practices that most likely help people live longer and live healthier.

One Voice. One Truth.